Cfg file

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Revision as of 09:16, 31 May 2005 by Cyan~Fire (talk | contribs) (initial content)
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Subgame stores all the settings for an arena in a .cfg file, with the filename matching the arena name. It stores the Bomb Settings, Brick Settings, Bullet Settings, Burst Settings, Cost Settings, Custom Settings, Door Settings, Flag Settings, Kill Settings, King Settings, Latency Settings, Message Settings, Mine Settings, Misc Settings, Owner Settings, Packetloss Settings, Periodic Settings, Prize Settings, Prizeweight Settings, Radar Settings, Repel Settings, Rocket Settings, Routing Settings, Security Settings, Shrapnel Settings, Spawn Settings, Soccer Settings, Team Settings, Territory Settings, Toggle Settings, Wormhole Settings, and Ship Settings. These settings can be modified by editing the .cfg file itself (directly, using FTP, putfile, etc.), using the ?set command, or using the ?setsettings command.