Flag Settings

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[Flag] These settings determine how ASSS and subgame treat flags and flaggers. In ASSS, the following settings go in the [Flag] section of flags.conf. Unless otherwise specified, fg_wz module handles these settings. In subgame, all these settings go in the arena's .cfg file, as usual.

Shared Settings

These settings, present in both ASSS and Subgame, are sent to and handled by the client and thus remain the same on both server. (See Settings Structure.)


Datatype: Boolean.

Whether the flaggers appear on radar in red.


Datatype: Multiplier.

Number of times more points are given to a flagger. Formula: Points = (FlaggerKillMultiplier + 1) * InitialPoints.


Datatype: Boolean.

Whether the flaggers get a gun upgrade. This is the only way to have L4 guns.


Datatype: Boolean.

Whether the flaggers get a bomb upgrade. This is the only way to have L4 bombs.


Datatype: Tenths of a percent. (1000=100%, 2000=200%).

Percentage of normal weapon firing cost for flaggers. Note that 0% will essentially give flaggers superpower.


Datatype: Tenths of a percent. (1000=100%, 2000=200%).

Percentage of normal damage received by flaggers. Note that 0% will essentially make flaggers invincible.


Datatype: Pixels / second / 10 (Range: -128 to 128).

Speed adjustment for flaggers. Note that negative numbers will slow down flaggers.


Datatype: Unknown (Range: -128 to 128).

Thrust adjustment for flaggers. Note that negative numbers will reduce their thrust.


Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.

Delay added to standard bomb firing delay for flaggers. Note: Please do not set this number between 1 and 20.


Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.

Time before flag is dropped by carrier. Special value: 0 = no timer.


Datatype: Points.

Minimum kill reward that a flagger must get to reset his drop timer. See Flag Settings for flag reward customization.


Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.

Delay before an newly-entered player is allowed to see flags.


Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.

Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before the client will hide flags for 10 seconds. Lessen this if you have lag-related flagging trouble.


Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.

Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before flags he is carrying are dropped.

Subgame Settings


Datatype: Enumeration.

  • 0 = Flags cannot be picked up.
  • 1 = A player can pick up and carry all flags.
  • 2 = A player can pick up and carry only one flag at a time.


Datatype: Enumeration.

Style of flag game:

  • 0 = Dropped flags are neutral, carry flags simply to earn extra points.
  • 1 = Dropped flags are owned, own all flags to win. (Basing.)
  • 2 = Flags are placed according to map data, own flags to get points. (Turf.)


Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.

Amount of time before an un-won flag game is reset. Advisable to be over 1000000 (1000 seconds).


Datatype: Count (0 to 32).

Maximum number of flags in the arena.


Datatype: Boolean (0=no, 1=yes).

Whether number of flags is random. Obeys MaxFlags.


Datatype: Points.

Number of points given for a flag victory. Formula: (playersInGame2 * FlagReward / 1000). Special value: 0 = no flag victory.


Datatype: Enumeration.

Determines the flag reward formula for the members of the winning team:

  • 0 = Each gets rewardPoints
  • 1 = Each gets (rewardPoints * numberOfTeamMembers / maximumAllowedPerTeam)


Datatype: Tiles.

Radius of the circle that determines available area for flags when a flagger drops them. Special value: 0 = hide flags in center area of map as normal.


Datatype: Tiles.

When flagger drops flags, this is how far the drop-centroid is randomly adjusted from the actual drop location. Note that the value 1024, the length of a map, will cause flags to drop anywhere on the map.


Datatype: Boolean (0=yes, 1=no).

Whether the flaggers can transfer flags to other teammates.

ASSS settings


Datatype: Integer.

Whether the flags can be picked up and carried. Values: 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes-one at a time, 3=yes-two at a time, 4=three, etc.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)

Whether flags dropped normally go in the center of the map, as opposed to near the player.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)

Whether flags you drop are owned by your team.


Datatype: Integer (Default: 2)

How far from a player do dropped flags appear (in tiles).


Datatype: Count (0-256, Default: 0)

How many flags are present in this arena.


Datatype: Multiplier (Default: 5000)

Requires module: points_flag

Formula: Points = 2 * (players in arena) * FlagReward / 1000.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)

Whether one gets a teammate's flags when one teamkills him.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)

Whether flags that are neut-dropped go in the center, as opposed to near the player who dropped them.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)

Whether flags you neut-drop are owned by your team.


Datatype: Integer (Default: 0)

The length of the delay between flag games.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)

Whether flags dropped from a safe zone spawn in the center, as opposed to near the safe zone player.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)

Whether flags dropped from a safe zone are owned by your team, as opposed to neutral.


Datatype: Tiles (Default: 50).

How far from the spawn center that new flags spawn.


Datatype: Tiles (Default: 512)

The X coordinate at which new flags spawn.


Datatype: Tiles (Default: 512)

The Y coordinate at which new flags spawn.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)

Whether to split a flag reward between the members of a freq or give them each the full amount.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)

Whether flags dropped by a team-kill spawn in the center, as opposed to near the killed player.


Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)

Whether flags dropped by a team-kill are owned by your team, as opposed to neutral.


Datatype: Integer (Default: 200)

The delay between dropping the last flag and winning (ticks).