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The radar is a minimap of your surroundings that is displayed in the bottom right corner of the Continuum Client. You can see walls, safe zones, powerballs, your own portals, friendly ships, and enemy ships that do not have stealth (Unless you have X-Radar, then you can see stealthing enemies.) Depending on the zone settings and your current ship, you can see certain levels of bombs and mines as blinking dots. Also, if the enemy has a flag or a ball, they will appear as a bigger, red dot (Unless they have stealth and you do not have X-Radar).

You can press a key (Alt by default) to expand the map to a zone-wide zoom, but you can only see walls, powerballs, and their holders.

The zoom of the normal radar is controlled by the arena.conf file. It is not per-ship, but there is a module that allows it to be.