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[Kill] Configures kill rewards and bounties in an arena.
apple cows
== Subgame and ASSS settings ==
The following settings are supported both in [[Subgame]] and [[ASSS]]'s [[arena.conf]].
=== BountyIncreaseForKill ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
Points added to players bounty each time he kills an opponent.
=== EnterDelay ===
''Datatype:'' Hundredths of seconds.
Delay before a killed player re-enters game (respawns). ''Special value:'' 0 = player respawns at same location after a very short delay.
=== FixedKillReward ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
The amount of points to award for a kill. If this is -1 then it will use then killed player's bounty as the reward.
=== JackpotBountyPercent ===
''Datatype:'' Tenths of a percent (1000 = 100%, 2000 = 200%).
Percentage of kill value added to Jackpot. Note that setting this to 0 will essentially disable jackpots.
=== MaxBonus ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
This is if you have flags, can add more points per a kill. (Founded by MGB.)
=== MaxPenalty ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
This is if you have flags, can take away points per a kill. (Founded by MGB.)
=== RewardBase ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
This is shown added to a person's bty, but isn't added from points for a kill. (Founded by MGB.)
== Subgame-only Settings ==
The following settings are only supported by Subgame.
=== KillPointsPerFlag ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
Bonus kill points given to a player per flag his team owns.
=== KillPointsMinimumBounty ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
Bounty of target must be over this value to get any KillPointsPerFlag bonus points.
=== DebtKills ===
''Datatype:'' Count.
Number of kills a player must get after dying or changing ship before he starts getting points for kills.
=== NoRewardKillDelay ===
''Datatype:'' Hundredths of seconds.
A player must wait this long before killing a person for the second time or else he gets no points for the kill. This is useful in dueling arenas.
=== BountyRewardPercent ===
''Datatype:'' Tenths of a percent.
Percentage of your own bounty added to your kill rewards.
== ASSS-only settings ==
The following settings are only supported by ASSS. See also [[Misc Settings#TeamKillPoints|Misc:TeamKillPoints]].
=== FlagMinimumBounty ===
''Datatype:'' Points (default: 0).
The minimum bounty the killing player must have to get any bonus kill points for flags transferred, carried or owned.
=== PointsPerCarriedFlag ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
The number of extra points to give for each flag the killing player is carrying. Note that flags that were transfered to the killer as part of the kill are counted here, so adjust PointsPerKilledFlag accordingly.
=== PointsPerKilledFlag ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
The number of extra points to give for each flag a killed player was carrying. Note that the flags don't actually have to be transferred to the killer to be counted here.
=== PointsPerTeamFlag ===
''Datatype:'' Points.
The number of extra points to give for each flag owned by the killing team. Note that flags that were transfered to the killer as part of the kill are counted here, so adjust PointsPerKilledFlag accordingly.
[[Category: Settings]]

Revision as of 03:35, 30 November 2005

apple cows