Talk:Bomb Settings
Smong: Can anyone confirm that a bouncing bomb loses it's bbombdamagepercent damage modifier when it has used its last bounce? After the last bounce the graphic changes to a non-bouncing bomb.
Smong: After brief testing I think the bbombdamagepercent is retained even when the bouncing bomb's image becomes like a normal bomb. Also when you close bomb, or point blank shoot, you take normal damage, nothing extra.
New Format
Requesting comments on the datatype thingy I did. --Cyan~Fire
Smong: I think it does help passers by. Maybe just use Type instead of Datatype. (Also a minor nitpick, I would put a fullstop outside of a pair of brackets).
Pests: Wish I could help but that kind of info isnt parsable :)
Smong: You can do a best guess type. Some types you will just have to put 'undocumented', but the keys containing these words belong to certain types:
- pixel - pixels
- time, delay - 1/100th second
- percent - 1/10th percent
- energy, damage - energy
- speed - pixels per 10 seconds
- disable, reliable, allow - boolean
- radius - map tiles
- message - string
You will have to give priorities, like percent must be searched for before damage. Also there will be some errors, like the Continuum only setting All:Radius is in pixels not tiles. When it comes into pasting the output into the edit box you can then change any errors or types marked as undocumented. Some won't have types, like kill points multipliers.
I think it'll be easier and less error-prone just to do it manually. That way, SS oldies like me (haha) can use their knowledge. Oh, and I don't think "type" is quite as good a word as "datatype", personally. --Cyan~Fire
Smong: Now I think 'Unit' is a more appropriate word. At least use 'Setting type', you don't need to be as vague and posh as 'Datatype'.
Smong: Anyone have a formula for this? Seems the larger it is the bigger the amplitude of the jitter is. Also bombs that explode further away have a smaller jitter.
Lots of bombs
"If your settings allow a lot of bombs to be flying around at once, lowering the value of this setting can improve frame rates."
But didn't Snrrrub show that SS limits the amount of weapons processed? I'm assuming Continuum emulates this?