Packetloss Settings
[Packetloss] These settings determine how subgame deals with player with packetloss. Packetloss is when either the server or a client sends a packet, but the destination never receives it.
Datatype: Tenths of a percent.
Minimum percentage of client packets that the server receives. (That is, 80% means that packetloss has to be 20% or below.)
Datatype: Tenths of a percent.
Minimum percentage of server packets that the client receives. (That is, 80% means that packetloss has to be 20% or below.)
Datatype: Tenths of a percent.
The two above settings are lowered by this amount for spectators. (That is, spectators are allowed to have this much more packetloss than normal players.)
Datatype: Boolean (1=yes, 0=no).
Whether the server disables weapons for clitens with high packetloss.