Flag Settings
[Flag] These settings determine how subgame treats flags and flaggers.
- 1 FlaggerOnRadar
- 2 FlaggerKillMultiplier
- 3 FlaggerGunUpgrade
- 4 FlaggerBombUpgrade
- 5 FlaggerFireCostPercent
- 6 FlaggerDamagePercent
- 7 FlaggerSpeedAdjustment
- 8 FlaggerThrustAdjustment
- 9 FlaggerBombFireDelay
- 10 CarryFlags
- 11 FlagDropDelay
- 12 FlagDropResetReward
- 13 EnterGameFlaggingDelay
- 14 FlagBlankDelay
- 15 NoDataFlagDropDelay
- 16 FlagMode
- 17 FlagResetDelay
- 18 MaxFlags
- 19 RandomFlags
- 20 FlagReward
- 21 FlagRewardMode
- 22 FlagTerritoryRadius
- 23 FlagTerritoryRadiusCentroid
- 24 FriendlyTransfer
- 25 asss settings
- 25.1 CarryFlags
- 25.2 DropCenter
- 25.3 DropOwned
- 25.4 DropRadius
- 25.5 EnterGameFlaggingDelay
- 25.6 FlagBlankDelay
- 25.7 FlagCount
- 25.8 FlagDropDelay
- 25.9 FlagDropResetReward
- 25.10 FlaggerBombFireDelay
- 25.11 FlaggerBombUpgrade
- 25.12 FlaggerDamagePercent
- 25.13 FlaggerFireCostPercent
- 25.14 FlaggerGunUpgrade
- 25.15 FlaggerKillMultiplier
- 25.16 FlaggerOnRadar
- 25.17 FlaggerSpeedAdjustment
- 25.18 FlaggerThrustAdjustment
- 25.19 FlagReward
- 25.20 FriendlyTransfer
- 25.21 NeutCenter
- 25.22 NeutOwned
- 25.23 NoDataFlagDropDelay
- 25.24 ResetDelay
- 25.25 SafeCenter
- 25.26 SafeOwned
- 25.27 SpawnRadius
- 25.28 SpawnX
- 25.29 SpawnY
- 25.30 SplitPoints
- 25.31 TKCenter
- 25.32 TKOwned
- 25.33 WinDelay
Datatype: Boolean (0=no, 1=yes).
Whether the flaggers appear on radar in red.
Datatype: Multiplier.
Number of times more points are given to a flagger (1 = double points, 2 = triple points).
Datatype: Boolean (0=no, 1=yes).
Whether the flaggers get a gun upgrade.
Datatype: Boolean (0=no, 1=yes).
Whether the flaggers get a bomb upgrade.
Datatype: Tenths of a percent. (1000=100%, 2000=200%).
Percentage of normal weapon firing cost for flaggers. Note that 0% will essentially give flaggers superpower.
Datatype: Tenths of a percent. (1000=100%, 2000=200%).
Percentage of normal damage received by flaggers. Note that 0% will essentially make flaggers invincible.
Datatype: Adjustment (-128 to 128).
Speed adjustment for flaggers. Note that negative numbers will slow down flaggers.
Datatype: Adjustment (-128 to 128).
Thrust adjustment for flaggers. Note that negative numbers will reduce their thrust.
Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.
Delay added to standard bomb firing delay for flaggers. Note: Please do not set this number between 1 and 20.
Datatype: Enumeration.
- 0 = Flags cannot be picked up.
- 1 = A player can pick up and carry all flags.
- 2 = A player can pick up and carry only one flag at a time.
Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.
Time before flag is dropped by carrier. Special value: 0 = no timer.
Datatype: Points.
Minimum kill reward that a flagger must get to reset his drop timer. See Flag Settings for flag reward customization.
Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.
Delay before an newly-entered player is allowed to see flags.
Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.
Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before the client will hide flags for 10 seconds. Lessen this if you have lag-related flagging trouble.
Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.
Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before flags he is carrying are dropped.
Datatype: Enumeration.
Style of flag game:
- 0 = Dropped flags are neutral, carry flags simply to earn extra points.
- 1 = Dropped flags are owned, own all flags to win. (Basing.)
- 2 = Flags are placed according to map data, own flags to get points. (Turf.)
Datatype: Hundredths of seconds.
Amount of time before an un-won flag game is reset. Advisable to be over 1000000 (1000 seconds).
Datatype: Count (0 to 32).
Maximum number of flags in the arena.
Datatype: Boolean (0=no, 1=yes).
Whether number of flags is random. Obeys MaxFlags.
Datatype: Points.
Number of points given for a flag victory. Formula: (playersInGame2 * FlagReward / 1000). Special value: 0 = no flag victory.
Datatype: Enumeration.
Determines the flag reward formula for the members of the winning team:
- 0 = Each gets rewardPoints
- 1 = Each gets (rewardPoints * numberOfTeamMembers / maximumAllowedPerTeam)
Datatype: Tiles.
Radius of the circle that determines available area for flags when a flagger drops them. Special value: 0 = hide flags in center area of map as normal.
Datatype: Tiles.
When flagger drops flags, this is how far the drop-centroid is randomly adjusted from the actual drop location. Note that the value 1024, the length of a map, will cause flags to drop anywhere on the map.
Datatype: Boolean (0=yes, 1=no).
Whether the flaggers can transfer flags to other teammates.
asss settings
The following settings go in the [Flag] section of flags.conf. Unless otherwise specific, fg_wz module handles these settings.
Datatype: Integer.
Whether the flags can be picked up and carried. Values: 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes-one at a time, 3=yes-two at a time, 4=three, etc.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)
Whether flags dropped normally go in the center of the map, as opposed to near the player.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)
Whether flags you drop are owned by your team.
Datatype: Integer (Default: 2)
How far from a player do dropped flags appear (in tiles).
Datatype: Integer
Time a new player must wait before they are allowed to see flags
Datatype: Integer
Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before flags are hidden from view for 10 seconds
Datatype: Count (0-256, Default: 0)
How many flags are present in this arena.
Datatype: Integer
Time before flag is dropped by carrier. Special Value: 0=never.
Datatype: Integer
Minimum kill reward that a player must get in order to have his flag drop timer reset.
Datatype: Centiseconds.
Delay added to flaggers' bomb firing. Do not set this less than 20.
Datatype: Boolean.
Whether the flaggers get a bomb level upgrade. (This is the only way to have L4 bombs.)
Datatype: Tenths of a percent.
Percentage of normal damage received by flaggers.
Datatype: Tenths of a percent.
Percentage of normal weapon firing cost for flaggers.
Datatype: Boolean.
Whether the flaggers get a gun level upgrade.
Datatype: Integer.
Number of times more points are given to a flagger. Formula: Points = (FlaggerKillMultiplier + 1) * InitialPoints.
Datatype: Boolean.
Whether the flaggers appear on radar in red.
Datatype: Pixels / second / 10.
Speed adjustment added for flaggers. (Can be negative.)
Datatype: Unknown.
Thrust adjustment added for flaggers. (Can be negative.)
Datatype: Multiplier (Default: 5000)
Requires module: points_flag
Formula: Points = 2 * (players in arena) * FlagReward / 1000.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)
Whether one gets a teammate's flags when one teamkills him.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)
Whether flags that are neut-dropped go in the center, as opposed to near the player who dropped them.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)
Whether flags you neut-drop are owned by your team.
Datatype: Centiseconds.
Time that a user can get no data from server before client automatically drops carried flags.
Datatype: Integer (Default: 0)
The length of the delay between flag games.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)
Whether flags dropped from a safe zone spawn in the center, as opposed to near the safe zone player.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)
Whether flags dropped from a safe zone are owned by your team, as opposed to neutral.
Datatype: Tiles (Default: 50).
How far from the spawn center that new flags spawn.
Datatype: Tiles (Default: 512)
The X coordinate at which new flags spawn.
Datatype: Tiles (Default: 512)
The Y coordinate at which new flags spawn.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)
Whether to split a flag reward between the members of a freq or give them each the full amount.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: No)
Whether flags dropped by a team-kill spawn in the center, as opposed to near the killed player.
Datatype: Boolean (Default: Yes)
Whether flags dropped by a team-kill are owned by your team, as opposed to neutral.
Datatype: Integer (Default: 200)
The delay between dropping the last flag and winning (ticks).