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== Sysop Commands ==
These are the SysOp, SuperModerator, Moderator, and player commands for subgame. Commands are case-insensitive. If a command is prefixed with '/', it is made to be sent privately.
; *stat : Displays server statistics
; *addword (word) : Adds word to the obscene list
== SysOp Commands ==
SysOps can use all the below commands (including SMod and Mod commands).
; *shutdown (exename) : Shutdowns server (terminates process), optionally runs exename. Hosts can disable the feature to run a new executable.
; *STAT: Displays server statistics.
; *ADDWORD word: Adds specified word to the obscene list
; *s* : Set server.ini file variable, ex *s*Misc:MaxPlayers:4
; *SHUTDOWN [exename]: Shuts down server (terminates process), optionally executes [exename]. Hosts can disable the ability to run a new executable.
; *S*key: Set server.ini key. Ex *s*Misc:MaxPlayers:4
; *g* : Get server.ini file variable, ex *g*Misc:MaxPlayers
; *G*key: Get server.ini key. Ex *g*Misc:MaxPlayers
; *LOG: Display the server's log.
; *log : Display the server's log
; *ENERGY: Toggles viewing of other users' current energy levels. Can be sent privately to other users to toggle viewing for them.
; *ADDMACHINE id: Adds Machine ID to idblock.txt ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *energy : Toggles viewing of other user's current energy levels. Can be sent privately to other users to toggle viewing for them.
; *REMOVEMACHINE id: Removes Machine ID from idblock.txt ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *LISTMACHINE: Lists all Machine IDs from idblock.txt ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *system (command) : Do shell command on server. Can be sent privately to users. '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)''
''Note:'' idblock.txt still works for blocking Machine IDs.
; *UFO: Toggles [[UFO]] ship. ''(version 1.34.1+)''
; *addip (ip) : Adds the IP to ipblock.txt '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)''
; *SUPER: Give yourself the Super ship with every weapon/item. ''(version 1.34.1+)''
; *removeip (ip) : Removes the IP from ipblock.txt '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)''
; *MIRROR: Shows what everyone sees you as. No one else can see it, and will always be a spider. Useful to see how laggy you are, or to play weird turret tricks. ''(version 1.34.1+)''
; *listip : Lists all IPs from ipblock.txt '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)
; *VERSION: Tells what subgame version is running ''(version 1.34.6 or higher)''
:''ipblock.txt still works for blocking IPs in all versions of subgame.''
; *LAG: List all player's quick lag information ''(version 1.34.8 or higher)''
; /*SYSOP: Temporarily grants sysop privileges to recipient but does not allow % sound playing. ''Note:'' This will not work with SysOp validation enabled, but will still cancel sysop warnings.
; /*SMODERATOR: Temporarily grants super moderator privileges to recipient, but does not allows % sound playing. ''Note:'' This will not work with SMod validation enabled, but will still cancel sysop warnings.
; /*THOR level: Sets player's thor level. 0 = normal, > 1 = instant death, larger the #, the larger the proximity ''(version 1.34.1+)''
; /*LOWBANDWIDTH toggle: Toggles (1=on,0=off) double-sending of packets to reduce lag. ''(version 1.34.1+)''
; /*MESSAGELOGGING: Detects if a player is logging messages and at what level if a sysop. ''(version 1.34.4+)''
; /*SUPER: Gives recipient [[super]] ship. ''Note:'' If user is not a Sysop/SMod, subgame will likely kick user because for incorrect settings checksum. ''(version 1.34.4+)''
; /*UFO: Toggles user with [[UFO]] ship. ''(1.34.4 or higher)''
; /*EINFO: Displays player's UserID, resolution, and other useful information and detects a proxy server. ''(1.34.5 or higher)''
:Also displays which client they are using (VIE or Continuum) ''(1.34.9 or higher, 1.34.10 or higher has client version)''
; /*BANDWIDTH #: Overrides (or displays) recipient's personal Latency:CutbackWatermark. ''(version 1.34.11h+)''
; /*POINTS [amount]: Will add specified points to player (can be negative). ''Note:'' Will set new total points to flag points (avg kill goes to 0). ''(version 1.34.11+)''
; *addmachine (id) : Adds Machine ID to idblock.txt ''(version 1.34.5 or higher)''
=== File Transfer ===
; *removemachine (id) : Removes Machine ID from idblock.txt ''(version 1.34.5 or higher)''
; *GETNEWS: Downloads news.txt to your Continuum folder. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
; *listmachine : Lists all Machine IDs from idblock.txt ''(version 1.34.5 or higher)''
; *PUTNEWS: Uploads news.txt from your Continuum folder to server. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
:''idblock.txt still works for blocking Machine IDs''
; *GETSYSOPLIST: Downloads sysop.txt. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
; *PUTSYSOPLIST: Uploads sysop.txt. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
; *GETSMODLIST: Downloads smod.txt. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
; *PUTSMODLIST: Uploads smod.txt. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
; *GETOBSCENE: Downloads obscene.txt. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
; *PUTOBSCENE: Uploads obscene.txt. ''(versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)''
; *GETFILE name: Transfers specified file from server directory to Continuum directory. ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *PUTFILE name: Transfers specified file from Continuum directory to server directory. Cannot upload exe, com, dll, bat or cmd. ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *DELFILE name: Deletes file from server directory. Cannot delete exe, com, dll, bat or cmd. ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *ufo : Give yourself UFO ship, toggles on/off. ''(version 1.34.1 or higher)''
=== Removed ===
; *super : Give yourself the Super ship with every weapon/item. ''(version 1.34.1 or higher)''
The following commands were available in the VIE subgame, but were removed by Priit.
; *mirror : Shows what everyone sees you as. No one else can see it, and will always be a spider. Useful to see how laggy you are, or to play weird turret tricks. ''(version 1.34.1 or higher)''
; *getnews : Downloads news.txt to your Continuum folder ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
; *SYSTEM command: Do shell command on server. Can be sent privately to users.
; *putnews : Uploads news.txt from your Continuum folder to server ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
; *ADDIP ip: Adds the IP to ipblock.txt.
; *getsysoplist : Downloads sysop.txt ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
; *REMOVEIP ip: Removes the IP from ipblock.txt.
; *putsysoplist : Uploads sysop.txt ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
; *LISTIP: Lists all IPs from ipblock.txt.
; *getsmodlist : Downloads smod.txt ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
''Note:'' ipblock.txt still works for blocking IPs in all versions of subgame.
; *putsmodlist : Uploads smod.txt ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
; /*MONITOR #: Displays all commands from recipient at certain levels. 0 = Public, 1 = priv/public, 2 = priv/public/team, 3 = priv/public/team/chat, 4 = all messages
; *getobscene : Downloads obscene.txt ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
; /*SAY text: Makes recipient say something without them really typing it (will allow ? and * commands through this)
; *putobscene : Uploads obscene.txt ''(version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)''
; /*GETFILE name: Download file from player's computer.
; /*PUTFILE name: Uploads file to player's computer.
; *getfile (name) : Downloads file from server ''(version 1.34.5 or higher)''
== Super Moderator Commands ==
; *putfile (name) : Uploads file from server. Cannot upload some files (exe, com, dll, bat and cmd) ''(version 1.34.5 or higher)''
; *delfile (name) : Deletes file from server. Cannot delete some files (exe, com, dll, bat and cmd) ''(version 1.34.5 or higher)''
; *version : Tells what subgame version is running ''(version 1.34.6 or higher)''
Super Moderators (SMods) can use all of the following commands (including Moderator commands).
; *lag : List all player's quick lag information ''(version 1.34.8 or higher)''
; *SZONE message: Sends message to all zones with same scoreid as current zone.
; *sysop : Grants sysop privileges to player (temporary, does not allow % sound playing)
; *ZONE message: Sends message to all arenas in this zone.
; *smoderator : Grants super moderator privileges to player (temporary, does not allows % sound playing)
; *GETLIST: Gets list of people permitted (permit.txt).
:''If using Validation for Sysop/SMod, user cannot use commands. Useful in this case if player is setting off lots of sysop warnings and you want to disable this temporarily.''
; *PUTLIST: Puts list of people permitted (permit.txt).
; *GETMODLIST: Gets list of permitted moderators (moderate.txt).
; *PUTMODLIST: Puts list of permitted moderators (moderate.txt).
; *RECYCLE: Recycles the server, kicking everybody off in the process.
; *RESTART: Restarts timed games in a speed zone.
; *PRIZE [amount]: Grants all ships random prizes, sent privately, grants to that ship only.
; *PRIZE #id: Grants a specific prize to all players, sent privately, grants to that ship only. Prepend the number with '-' to take away. See [[Prizes]].
; *LISTMOD: will display all players that have mod/smod/sysop curretly logged into the zone. ''(1.34.4+)''
; /*INFO: Displays player's IP, MAC ID, TimeZoneBias, Freq, and a lot of less useful information.
; /*WHERE: Displays location of player on map.
; /*TRACE: Server tracerts (traces the route packets must travel to reach) recipient. ''NOTE:'' Server executable ''must'' be named "subgame2.exe". ''(version 1.34.1+)''
; /*MODERATOR: Temporarily makes recipient a moderator for that session (allows no sounds).
; *monitor # : Shows you all commands from player at certain text levels '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)''
== Moderator Commands ==
:0 = Public, 1 = priv/public, 2 = priv/public/team, 3 = priv/public/team/chat, 4 = all messages
Moderators can use the below commands.
; *say (text) : Makes a player say something without them really typing it (will allow ? and * commands through this) '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)''
; *getfile (name) : Download file from player's computer '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)''
; *putfile (name) : Uploads file to player's computer '''REMOVED''' ''(VIE subgame)''
; *thor # : Sets players thor level to #. 0 = normal, > 1 = instant death, larger the #, the larger the proximity ''(version 1.34.1 or higher)''
; *ARENA message: Sends message to current arena.
; *PERMIT: Permits person to enter restricted zone.
; *REVOKE: Revokes permission to enter restricted zone.
; *BEGINLOG [text]: Begins logging game session, optionally with text at top of log.
; *ENDLOG: Ends logging game session and automatically sends the generated file to you.
; *SHIPRESET: Resets all ships to 0 bounty. Sent privately, resets ship of person sent to.
; *SCORERESET: Sent privately, sets players stats to zero. sent publicly, reset score off all players in zone
; *FLAGRESET: Resets the flag game by removed and respawning all flags and reseting jackpot.
; *TIMERESET: Resets timer on timed game.
; *BANNER: Turns on your banner, overriding point requirements.
; *TIMER minutes: Starts the game timer, which periodically notifies players.
; /*SPEC: Toggles recipient's lock into spectator mode.
; /*SETSHIP ship: Sets recipient's ship, but will not have an effect on higher level. ''(version 1.34.2+)''
; /*SETFREQ freq: Sets recipient's freq (0-9999), but can't do to higher level. ''(version 1.34.2+)''
; *LOCATE name: If specified player is in zone, displays which arena. ''(version 1.34.2+)''
; /*WATCHGREEN: As long as recipient stays in that arena, displays every green he gets. ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; /*PACKETLOSS: Displays player's Packetloss. '''REMOVED in 1.34.5''' (and replaced by *lag).
; /*LAG: Will show player's packetloss and ping. ''(version 1.34.5+, version 1.34.6+ shows weapons ploss also)''
; /*GREENINFO: Displays greenID# and their count of getting that green since last shipreset ''(version 1.34.9+)''
; *FLAGS: Displays flags' coordinates. ''(version 1.34.9+)''
; /*WARN text: Sends a moderator warning, accompanied by the "moderator sound". ''Format:'' Moderator Warning: [Message] - (Mod Name) (version ''1.34.10+)''
; /*WARPTO x y: Warps player to certain X,Y coords. For example, *warpto 512 512 = middle of map. ''(version 1.34.10+ AND Continuum client)''
; *RELKILLS toggle: Sets (1=yes,0=no) whether server sends you kill packets reliables. If disabled, kills with >200 bounty will still be sent reliably. ''(version 1.34.11h+)''
; /*TINFO: Displays player's time information. ''(version 1.34.12pr3+)''
; /*WATCHDAMAGE: Toggles viewing player's damage information ''(version 1.34.12pr4+ AND Continuum .37+)''
; *OBJON object: Sent privately or publicly. Turns an lvz object on. ''(version 1.34.12pr1+ AND Continuum .37+)''
; *OBJOFF object: Sent privately or publicly. Turns an lvz object of. ''(version 1.34.12pr1+ AND Continuum .37+)''
; *OBJSET list: Sent privately or publicly. Toggles the space-separated list of lvz objects (prepend with '+' to turn on, prepend with '-' to turn off). Example: "*objset +2 -40"  Turns on #2, off #40 ''(version 1.34.12a+ AND Continuum .37+)''
; *lowbandwidth # : 0 means normal, 1 means gets/sends every packet doubled to help stop lag ''(version 1.34.1 or higher)''
=== Punishments ===
; /*KILL [minutes]: Kicks player off, optionally not allowing re-entry for specified amount of time.
; /*SHUTUP: Prevents person from sending messages (including commands). Watch out, this works on yourself.
; *LISTBAN: Will display all *kill bans and their time. ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *REMOVEBAN id: Will remove machineID *kill ban. ''(version 1.34.5+)''
; *messagelogging # : sent privately, detects if a player is logging messages and at what level if a sysop ''(version 1.34.4 or higher)''
=== Arena Management ===
; *LOCK: Toggles the arena lock, which does not allow ship changes, and puts all players in spectator mode.
; *LOCKSPEC: Toggles whether the arena lock effects only spectators or everyone.
; *LOCKTEAM: Locks team private messages (the " ones).
; *LOCKPRIVATE: Locks both remote and local private messages.
; *LOCKPUBLIC: Locks public messages. Good for no-blue matches.
; *LOCKCHAT: Locks chat channel messages.
; *LOCKALL: Locks all messages.
; *SPECALL: Specs everyone, but does not lock them there. Will not spec staff with higher level. ''(version 1.34.3+)''
; *super : Gives user super ship ''(1.34.4 or higher)''
:''If user is not a Sysop/SMod, zone likely to kick user because their settings checksum will be incorrect''
; *ufo : Toggles user with [[UFO]] ship ''(1.34.4 or higher)''
; *einfo : Displays player's UserID and other useful information ''(1.34.5 or higher)''
:Also displays which client they are using (VIE or Continuum) ''(1.34.9 or higher, 1.34.10 or higher has client version)''
; *bandwidth # : Will set (or display) their CutbackWatermark. If you set theirs, will override Latency:CutbackWatermark for them ''(version 1.34.11h or higher)''
; *points # : Will add points to player. If negitive, will subtract. ''NOTE:'' Will set new total points to flag points (avg kill goes to 0). ''(version .134.11 or higher)''

Revision as of 20:10, 13 May 2005

These are the SysOp, SuperModerator, Moderator, and player commands for subgame. Commands are case-insensitive. If a command is prefixed with '/', it is made to be sent privately.

SysOp Commands

SysOps can use all the below commands (including SMod and Mod commands).

Displays server statistics.
Adds specified word to the obscene list
*SHUTDOWN [exename]
Shuts down server (terminates process), optionally executes [exename]. Hosts can disable the ability to run a new executable.
Set server.ini key. Ex *s*Misc:MaxPlayers:4
Get server.ini key. Ex *g*Misc:MaxPlayers
Display the server's log.
Toggles viewing of other users' current energy levels. Can be sent privately to other users to toggle viewing for them.
Adds Machine ID to idblock.txt (version 1.34.5+)
Removes Machine ID from idblock.txt (version 1.34.5+)
Lists all Machine IDs from idblock.txt (version 1.34.5+)

Note: idblock.txt still works for blocking Machine IDs.

Toggles UFO ship. (version 1.34.1+)
Give yourself the Super ship with every weapon/item. (version 1.34.1+)
Shows what everyone sees you as. No one else can see it, and will always be a spider. Useful to see how laggy you are, or to play weird turret tricks. (version 1.34.1+)
Tells what subgame version is running (version 1.34.6 or higher)
List all player's quick lag information (version 1.34.8 or higher)
Temporarily grants sysop privileges to recipient but does not allow % sound playing. Note: This will not work with SysOp validation enabled, but will still cancel sysop warnings.
Temporarily grants super moderator privileges to recipient, but does not allows % sound playing. Note: This will not work with SMod validation enabled, but will still cancel sysop warnings.
/*THOR level
Sets player's thor level. 0 = normal, > 1 = instant death, larger the #, the larger the proximity (version 1.34.1+)
Toggles (1=on,0=off) double-sending of packets to reduce lag. (version 1.34.1+)
Detects if a player is logging messages and at what level if a sysop. (version 1.34.4+)
Gives recipient super ship. Note: If user is not a Sysop/SMod, subgame will likely kick user because for incorrect settings checksum. (version 1.34.4+)
Toggles user with UFO ship. (1.34.4 or higher)
Displays player's UserID, resolution, and other useful information and detects a proxy server. (1.34.5 or higher)
Also displays which client they are using (VIE or Continuum) (1.34.9 or higher, 1.34.10 or higher has client version)
Overrides (or displays) recipient's personal Latency:CutbackWatermark. (version 1.34.11h+)
/*POINTS [amount]
Will add specified points to player (can be negative). Note: Will set new total points to flag points (avg kill goes to 0). (version 1.34.11+)

File Transfer

Downloads news.txt to your Continuum folder. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Uploads news.txt from your Continuum folder to server. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Downloads sysop.txt. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Uploads sysop.txt. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Downloads smod.txt. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Uploads smod.txt. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Downloads obscene.txt. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Uploads obscene.txt. (versions 1.34.2-1.34.4)
Transfers specified file from server directory to Continuum directory. (version 1.34.5+)
Transfers specified file from Continuum directory to server directory. Cannot upload exe, com, dll, bat or cmd. (version 1.34.5+)
Deletes file from server directory. Cannot delete exe, com, dll, bat or cmd. (version 1.34.5+)


The following commands were available in the VIE subgame, but were removed by Priit.

*SYSTEM command
Do shell command on server. Can be sent privately to users.
Adds the IP to ipblock.txt.
Removes the IP from ipblock.txt.
Lists all IPs from ipblock.txt.

Note: ipblock.txt still works for blocking IPs in all versions of subgame.

Displays all commands from recipient at certain levels. 0 = Public, 1 = priv/public, 2 = priv/public/team, 3 = priv/public/team/chat, 4 = all messages
/*SAY text
Makes recipient say something without them really typing it (will allow ? and * commands through this)
/*GETFILE name
Download file from player's computer.
/*PUTFILE name
Uploads file to player's computer.

Super Moderator Commands

Super Moderators (SMods) can use all of the following commands (including Moderator commands).

*SZONE message
Sends message to all zones with same scoreid as current zone.
*ZONE message
Sends message to all arenas in this zone.
Gets list of people permitted (permit.txt).
Puts list of people permitted (permit.txt).
Gets list of permitted moderators (moderate.txt).
Puts list of permitted moderators (moderate.txt).
Recycles the server, kicking everybody off in the process.
Restarts timed games in a speed zone.
*PRIZE [amount]
Grants all ships random prizes, sent privately, grants to that ship only.
*PRIZE #id
Grants a specific prize to all players, sent privately, grants to that ship only. Prepend the number with '-' to take away. See Prizes.
will display all players that have mod/smod/sysop curretly logged into the zone. (1.34.4+)
Displays player's IP, MAC ID, TimeZoneBias, Freq, and a lot of less useful information.
Displays location of player on map.
Server tracerts (traces the route packets must travel to reach) recipient. NOTE: Server executable must be named "subgame2.exe". (version 1.34.1+)
Temporarily makes recipient a moderator for that session (allows no sounds).

Moderator Commands

Moderators can use the below commands.

*ARENA message
Sends message to current arena.
Permits person to enter restricted zone.
Revokes permission to enter restricted zone.
*BEGINLOG [text]
Begins logging game session, optionally with text at top of log.
Ends logging game session and automatically sends the generated file to you.
Resets all ships to 0 bounty. Sent privately, resets ship of person sent to.
Sent privately, sets players stats to zero. sent publicly, reset score off all players in zone
Resets the flag game by removed and respawning all flags and reseting jackpot.
Resets timer on timed game.
Turns on your banner, overriding point requirements.
*TIMER minutes
Starts the game timer, which periodically notifies players.
Toggles recipient's lock into spectator mode.
/*SETSHIP ship
Sets recipient's ship, but will not have an effect on higher level. (version 1.34.2+)
/*SETFREQ freq
Sets recipient's freq (0-9999), but can't do to higher level. (version 1.34.2+)
*LOCATE name
If specified player is in zone, displays which arena. (version 1.34.2+)
As long as recipient stays in that arena, displays every green he gets. (version 1.34.5+)
Displays player's Packetloss. REMOVED in 1.34.5 (and replaced by *lag).
Will show player's packetloss and ping. (version 1.34.5+, version 1.34.6+ shows weapons ploss also)
Displays greenID# and their count of getting that green since last shipreset (version 1.34.9+)
Displays flags' coordinates. (version 1.34.9+)
/*WARN text
Sends a moderator warning, accompanied by the "moderator sound". Format: Moderator Warning: [Message] - (Mod Name) (version 1.34.10+)
/*WARPTO x y
Warps player to certain X,Y coords. For example, *warpto 512 512 = middle of map. (version 1.34.10+ AND Continuum client)
*RELKILLS toggle
Sets (1=yes,0=no) whether server sends you kill packets reliables. If disabled, kills with >200 bounty will still be sent reliably. (version 1.34.11h+)
Displays player's time information. (version 1.34.12pr3+)
Toggles viewing player's damage information (version 1.34.12pr4+ AND Continuum .37+)
*OBJON object
Sent privately or publicly. Turns an lvz object on. (version 1.34.12pr1+ AND Continuum .37+)
*OBJOFF object
Sent privately or publicly. Turns an lvz object of. (version 1.34.12pr1+ AND Continuum .37+)
*OBJSET list
Sent privately or publicly. Toggles the space-separated list of lvz objects (prepend with '+' to turn on, prepend with '-' to turn off). Example: "*objset +2 -40" Turns on #2, off #40 (version 1.34.12a+ AND Continuum .37+)


/*KILL [minutes]
Kicks player off, optionally not allowing re-entry for specified amount of time.
Prevents person from sending messages (including commands). Watch out, this works on yourself.
Will display all *kill bans and their time. (version 1.34.5+)
Will remove machineID *kill ban. (version 1.34.5+)

Arena Management

Toggles the arena lock, which does not allow ship changes, and puts all players in spectator mode.
Toggles whether the arena lock effects only spectators or everyone.
Locks team private messages (the " ones).
Locks both remote and local private messages.
Locks public messages. Good for no-blue matches.
Locks chat channel messages.
Locks all messages.
Specs everyone, but does not lock them there. Will not spec staff with higher level. (version 1.34.3+)