Talk:MySQL Database Setup

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Revision as of 20:06, 14 September 2005 by I88gerbils (talk | contribs) (pseudo answer)
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I know this isn't the place for it, but could we have a simple tutorial of coding for a MYSQL Server. I swear I've looked at the tutorials on the mysql++ site a few times and havn't been able to figure it out. Maybe a simple c++ sniplet that creates a database, one that queries a database and prints the result, and one that adds / changes a value in the database. Thanks guys. BaK

I learned most of my SQL statements back when I had the Perl DBI book. It helped a lot. So much easier >_<. I wonder how easy it is to do in python? I remember looking at the code for yare a few years back before the project got canned. I still have the source code for when i merged the mysql shit into the regular code. Maybe that'll help. Unfortunately, I don't have a place to setup my main system right now. i88gerbils