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m (Pasted flag settings here on accident.)
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=== FlaggerOnRadar ===  
=== MaxBonus ===  
Whether the flaggers appear on radar in red 0=no 1=yes
Let's ignore these for now. Or let's not. :) This is if you have flags, can add more points per a kill. Founded by MGB
=== FlaggerKillMultiplier ===  
=== MaxPenalty ===  
Number of times more points are given to a flagger (1 = double points, 2 = triple points)
Let's ignore these for now. Or let's not. :) This is if you have flags, can take away points per a kill. Founded by MGB
=== FlaggerGunUpgrade ===  
=== RewardBase ===  
* Min: 0
Let's ignore these for now. Or let's not. :) This is shown added to a person's bty, but isn't added from points for a kill. Founded by MGB
* Max: 1
Whether the flaggers get a gun upgrade 0=no 1=yes
=== FlaggerBombUpgrade ===  
=== BountyIncreaseForKill ===  
* Min: 0
Number of points added to players bounty each time he kills an opponent.
* Max: 1
Whether the flaggers get a bomb upgrade 0=no 1=yes
=== FlaggerFireCostPercent ===  
=== EnterDelay ===  
Percentage of normal weapon firing cost for flaggers 0=Super 1000=100% 2000=200%
How long after a player dies before he can re-enter the game.
=== FlaggerDamagePercent ===  
=== KillPointsPerFlag ===  
Percentage of normal damage received by flaggers 0=Invincible 1000=100% 2000=200%
Number of bonus points given to a player based on the number of flags his team has (as is done in Turf zone now)
=== FlaggerSpeedAdjustment ===  
=== KillPointsMinimumBounty ===  
Amount of speed adjustment player carrying flag gets (negative numbers mean slower)
Bounty of target must be over this value to get any KillPointsPerFlag bonus points.
=== FlaggerThrustAdjustment ===  
=== DebtKills ===  
Amount of thrust adjustment player carrying flag gets (negative numbers mean less thrust)
Number of kills a player must get after dying or resetting-ship before he starts getting points for kills. (0 = Normal)
=== FlaggerBombFireDelay ===  
=== NoRewardKillDelay ===  
Delay given to flaggers for firing bombs (0=ships normal firing rate -- note: please do not set this number less than 20)
If you kill the same guy twice within this amount of time, you get no points for the second kill. (in hundredths of a second)
=== CarryFlags ===  
=== BountyRewardPercent ===  
* Min: 0
Percentage of your own bounty added to your reward when you kill somebody else.
* Max: 2
Whether the flags can be picked up and carried (0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes-one at a time)
=== FlagDropDelay ===  
=== FixedKillReward ===  
Time before flag is dropped by carrier (0=never)
Fixed number of points given for any kill (regardless of bounty) (-1 = use bounty as always)
=== FlagDropResetReward ===  
=== JackpotBountyPercent ===  
Minimum kill reward that a player must get in order to have his flag drop timer reset.
Percentage of kill value added to Jackpot 0=No Jackpot Game 1000=100% 2000=200%
=== EnterGameFlaggingDelay ===  
Time a new player must wait before they are allowed to see flags
=== DeathCount ===  
Number of deaths a player is allowed until his crown is removed
=== FlagBlankDelay ===  
=== ExpireTime ===  
Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before flags are hidden from view for 10 seconds.
Initial time given to each player at beginning of 'King of the Hill' round
=== NoDataFlagDropDelay ===  
=== RewardFactor ===  
Amount of time that a user can get no data from server before flags he is carrying are dropped.
Number of points given to winner of 'King of the Hill' round (uses FlagReward formula)
=== FlagMode ===  
=== NonCrownAdjustTime ===  
* Min: 0
Amount of time added for killing a player without a crown
* Max: 2
Style of flag game (0=dropped flags are un-owned, carry all flags to win)(1=dropped flags are owned, own all flags to win)(2=Turf style flag game)
=== FlagResetDelay ===  
=== NonCrownMinimumBounty ===  
Amount of time before an un-won flag game is reset (in hundredths of a second)  Advisable to be over 1000000
Minimum amount of bounty a player must have in order to receive the extra time.
=== MaxFlags ===
=== CrownRecoverKills ===  
* Min: 0
Number of crown kills a non-crown player must get in order to get their crown back.
* Max: 32
Maximum number of flags in the arena. (0=no flag game)
=== RandomFlags ===
* Min: 0
* Max: 1
Whether the actual number of flags is randomly picked up to MaxFlags (0=no 1=yes)
=== FlagReward ===  
Number of points given for a flag victory. Formula = (playersInGame * playersInGame * FlagReward / 1000). (0=no flag victory is EVER declared)
=== FlagRewardMode ===
* Min: 0
* Max: 1
How flag reward points are divided up (0 = each team member gets rewardPoints) (1 = each team member gets (rewardPoints * numberOfTeamMembers / maximumAllowedPerTeam))
=== FlagTerritoryRadius ===
When flagger drops flags, this is how spread out they are (distance from drop-centroid in tiles). (note: 0 = special value meaning hide flags in center area of board as normal)
=== FlagTerritoryRadiusCentroid ===
When flagger drops flags, this is how far the drop-centroid is randomly adjusted from the actual drop location) (note: 1024 = hide anywhere on level)
=== FriendlyTransfer ===
* Min: 0
* Max: 1
Whether the flaggers can transfer flags to other teammates (0=no 1=yes)
[[Category: Settings]]
[[Category: Settings]]

Revision as of 12:38, 16 January 2005


Let's ignore these for now. Or let's not. :) This is if you have flags, can add more points per a kill. Founded by MGB


Let's ignore these for now. Or let's not. :) This is if you have flags, can take away points per a kill. Founded by MGB


Let's ignore these for now. Or let's not. :) This is shown added to a person's bty, but isn't added from points for a kill. Founded by MGB


Number of points added to players bounty each time he kills an opponent.


How long after a player dies before he can re-enter the game.


Number of bonus points given to a player based on the number of flags his team has (as is done in Turf zone now)


Bounty of target must be over this value to get any KillPointsPerFlag bonus points.


Number of kills a player must get after dying or resetting-ship before he starts getting points for kills. (0 = Normal)


If you kill the same guy twice within this amount of time, you get no points for the second kill. (in hundredths of a second)


Percentage of your own bounty added to your reward when you kill somebody else.


Fixed number of points given for any kill (regardless of bounty) (-1 = use bounty as always)


Percentage of kill value added to Jackpot 0=No Jackpot Game 1000=100% 2000=200%



Number of deaths a player is allowed until his crown is removed


Initial time given to each player at beginning of 'King of the Hill' round


Number of points given to winner of 'King of the Hill' round (uses FlagReward formula)


Amount of time added for killing a player without a crown


Minimum amount of bounty a player must have in order to receive the extra time.


Number of crown kills a non-crown player must get in order to get their crown back.