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SSCX-A Hyperspace was one of the first zones to adopt ASSS.



Sysops and Smods

Dr Brain











January 13th, 2005

January 13th, 2005

Okay, I still think this WIKI thing is weird and kind of pointless, but because Brain insists, I will write information about me. Apparantly he wants to know more about me, and so do all the other male players. O_o; <p> nikegurl637: can i say i was the only well loved female mod Doc: yes nikegurl637: LOL Doc: no <p> Gahaha. Now more about me. <p> I like long walks on the beach with the sunset and... no. Wait... that's not right.. Okay, here we go. I'm almost 18, in a few weeks. </font face></font size>



Event Horizon

Hyperspace started life as a LAN zone played by a small group of friends, Dr Brain among them. They eventually decided to put it online to try and get more players in it. Having something of a scientific bent, they decided to name it Event Horizon after the point of no return surrounding black holes. The zone, once online never took off. It was briefly hosted on Can-Link before the hosting service imploded. After considering that the zone had only reached a maximum population of 4 players, the zone was abandoned and the group persued more rewarding games such as Infantry and Starcraft.

Dog Fight

Months later, Dr Brain revived the zone under the name Dog Fight with a new map. Again, nothing happened with the zone and it was closed.

Jeff's Zone

In order to experiment with Subgame2 Dr Brain again hosted Dog Fight under the new name Jeff's Stupid Zone. After some days of fiddling, Dr Brain finally figured out how to make Hypertunnels work. He remade the map and added some Hypertunnels around the very edge of the map. The zone's population doubled to a whole 6 players at peak times. Encouraged by this incredible population boost, more hypertunnels were added and the zone was renamed to Jeff's Zone.

Hosting, at last

Ever since the collapse of Can-Link, the zone had been hosted by Dr Brain on his cable connection. This lead to occasional downtime because of computer crashes and also to more lag than was preferable. SSDZ offered its services and the zone was moved.


Dr Brain felt, now that the zone was picking up, that the name Jeff's Zone was no longer good enough. So, he started asking the player population about new name ideas. Someone suggested the name Hyperspeed and everyone agreed that it was a great name. Somehow, Dr Brain forgot the exact details of the name and changed the name to Hyperspace. Only later did he realize that everyone had agreed to Hyperspeed, but by then, it was too late to change.

Project 0

This zone was created mainly for graphics testing but later on became "known" for a small heavily bot maintained arena called Warp2 (warpto joke). Many colorful graphics and anime girls (specifically catgirls) were featured here.

Average population was around eight and at max 14, not counting 6 bots (only 1 full time).


The intermittent failures of SSDZ lead Dr Brain and picano2.0 to search for new hosting. SSXH under Delta_5 agreed to host the zone and a long period of properity for Hyperspace started.


Eventually, SSXH decided to close down. A new host was needed and the SSDX network accepted Hyperspace. After a merger between SSDX and SSN, and several moves between servers on the SSN network, Hyperspace eventually settled down. Unfortuantly, the peace was not to last. Within weeks of quieting down, SSN closed down for no obvious reason.


Due to the collapse of SSN, Hyperspace was again hostless and had to be hosted by Dr Brain's less-than-perfect connection. Eventually, hosting was secured from SSI (run by 1stStrike and Argyle). Again, the zone flourished.

TWCore & AreaBot

As part of the SSI hosting package, Hyperspace developers were given access to the TWCore bot system (at the time, it was not public access).

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